Nancy Gaye Worthington


I am so excited about entering your contest. I was raised on a farm and am thankful each year for the lessons learned. Anyway, I am an enthusiastic competitor and plan to enter Dakota Centennial Bread, too. Are contestants permitted baking stones and oven thermometers ? With this whole grain bread (oat,rye,wheat,all-purpose mixture) is it better to use rapid rise yeast or original ? Thank you in advance.


Hi Nancy! 

Thanks for your interest in the National Festival of Breads. Baking stones and oven thermometers are allowed; we have had contestants use them before. 

However, we cannot answer your question about which yeast to use...since it is a contest, and since it requires your 'original' recipe, we would suggest you try using both as you practice making your recipe and decide on your own which product works best. 

Thanks and good luck!