Wheat Foods Council Educational Tools

The Wheat Foods Council's mission is to help increase awareness of dietary grains as an essential component of a healthful diet. 

The WFC Network combines a robust web site with community forums, webinars, and interactivity to provide a one-stop source for everything about wheat and grain food nutrition, from the latest news and research, to interviews with leading experts on in-depth and trending topics, tips, informative links to government agencies and other relevant sites, and more.

Wheat producers across the country joined together in 1972 to create the Wheat Foods Council as a national organization to promote the entire category of wheat-based foods, including baked goods, cereal, crackers, pasta, sweet goods and tortillas. Since then, our organization has established itself as a leading source of science-based information on wheat and grain foods nutrition. Backed by our 40-year history, we are proud to share our expertise about “all things wheat foods” with health and nutrition practitioners, educators, the media, consumers, and anyone who, like us, loves the many wonderful foods made from wheat.